
What type of windows are suitable for Window cleaning robot?

One of the fastest-growing segments of the robotic technology market is window cleaning robots. They are becoming increasingly popular among consumers, but are still relatively unfamiliar to the population at large.

Do window cleaning robots really work?

The short answer is YES, but it depends on several factors. Let’s discuss them here and find out if window cleaning robots can work for you.

What type of window frames do you have?

The most advanced window cleaning robots like Circular window cleaning robot are not suitable for windows that have rounded or non-rectangular frames. These types of frames are a problem for window cleaning robots because they can ride up onto the edges of the frames and lose pressure suction. The good news is about 90% of all window frames in the US are non-rounded or rectangular, therefore making window cleaning robots a great fit!

Can you reach your window by hand to place the robot on it?

Window cleaning robots are automatic and require minimum effort to operate. However, the initial step of placing the robot on a window is done by hand. One needs to be able to safely reach a window and place the robot on it with one hand or both. It’s recommended to use both hands when placing a robot on a window in case the power switch is not properly turned on.

Are your windows curved or angled?

Window cleaning robots are best suitable for standard windows without curvature or steep angles. It does not mean all non-standard windows are unsuitable. It’s recommended to reach out to the manufacturer or official distributor to discuss the specifics of your windows before purchase.

What is the condition of your windows and your expectations?

It’s important to have realistic expectations when it comes to the condition of your windows. If your windows have not been cleaned in a long time and have formed a heavy layer of dirt or dust on the glass, or there is a presence of sticky substances, any window cleaning robot will struggle. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions in taking extra steps when cleaning extra dirty windows. Window cleaning robots are a very effective tool in achieving great results when regularly used and not allowing the condition of your windows to deteriorate too much before each cleaning.

Post time: Sep-09-2022